Bob Dennis quickly explores the 3 possible coil configurations to maximize results with an ICES Pulse
How to
Test Coils
Coil Testing: listening for clicks, using the Coil Test Chip, replacing defective coils
Model A9:
Getting Started
A quick introduction to using the Micro-Pulse A9 including suggestions for care and orientation &
placement of the coils on different areas of the body.
Model A9:
Get a grasp on basic setup and operation including battery choices
Model A9:
Coils and Power-Up
Checking and inserting ICES coils and System Power Up and LED indicators with the Model A9
Model A9:
Basic Maintenance: keeping coils clean, batteries, keep away from liniments, greases, metal sheets and
screens and foils.
Model M1:
An introduction to the Gen 6.1 ICES Technology used to make the Model M1 possible.
Model M1:
A quick video on how to power up the device using DLI88 compatible camcorder batteries or a USB mini-B
charger cable.
Model M1:
Changing Settings
A brief video describing how to setup your new Micro-Pulse ICES model M1, how to set the intensity, and
how to select one of the 30 available protocols.
Model C5:
Use and Care
Important tips on how to get the most out of your Model C5.